About Photography: Emergence of Photography

Anadolu University
The objective of the course is to enable participants to comprehend the picturing

technique in photography, to get familiar with the place of photography in arts,

and to locate photography in social life. Photography is today in every field of life.

this course will help participants to understand the place of photography in life by

focusing on specific technologies.

This course aims to enable participants:

 to explain the history of drawing on a surface by light,

 to explain the factors that contributed to the emergence of photography,

 to describe the relationship between drawing/painting with light and


 to list earlier photographers.

Week 1. Introduction to Photography

Week 2. Emergence of Photography

Week 3. Painting with Light, Image Capturing by Optical Devices

Week 4. First Photographers and Their Works

Language: Turkish


Duration: 0 weeks

Hours of study: 25 hours

EQF-Level: EQF level 5 - Foundation/Diploma of Higher Education



Delivery mode: Learn anywhere online



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