Family Structure and Relationships

Anadolu University
Family is the smallest unit of society. Healthy families constitute the foundations

of a healthy society. Society and families are in a constant relationship, whether it

be good or bad. As members of the society, we need to understand the importance

of family and the relationship between family members with a view to having a

successful marriage and being parents that create successful generations. The

main focus of this course is on family, which is the foundation of society. The

course concentrates on the significance of family and marriage in social life,

common characteristics of successful marriages, factors that lead to impaired

family structure, and main rules for successful parenting.

We devote one week for each theme during the four-week course. We will first

read related resources and watch video lectures, and then exchange ideas.

Participants will gain experience that help them develop successful marriage and

good parenting skills. We will have a 45-minute synchronous session every week.

Participants have the opportunity to meet and discuss with the instructor in these

sessions, where attendance is not obligatory. All other activities are asynchronous,

allowing participants to attend at the place and time of their choice. The course

plan is as follows:

Week 1.

Introduction (synchronous)

What do we need to know about family structure? (asynchronous)

Can we learn marriage? (asynchronous)

End-of- the-week meeting (synchronous)

Week 2.

How can I choose the right person? (asynchronous)

End-of- the-week meeting (synchronous)

Week 3.

What does marriage mean in the modern age? (asynchronous)

End-of- the-week meeting (synchronous)

Week 4.

Am I a good parent? (asynchronous)

End-of- the-week/course meeting (synchronous)

Language: Turkish


Duration: 0 weeks

Hours of study: 25 hours

EQF-Level: EQF level 5 - Foundation/Diploma of Higher Education



Delivery mode: Learn anywhere online



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