Using Spreadsheets for Decision Making

Anadolu University
Better, faster and more accurate decision-making has always provided

competitive advantage. The motivation that ensured strategic advantage during

the Second World War and then led to the invention of computer is closely related

to decision making.

The most significant function of computers has been computing since their

invention. Spreadsheets, i.e. computer applications for accounting worksheets,

are among the programs most commonly used for decision making today. This

course aims to enable participants to gain basic skills required to use spreadsheets

and to create accounting worksheets for the solution of decision-making problems

encountered in different situations. The course does not focus on a single

computer application, but provides examples on various applications, i.e.

Microsoft Excel, Apple Numbers and Google e-Tables.

Language: Turkish


Duration: 0 weeks

Hours of study: 25 hours

EQF-Level: EQF level 5 - Foundation/Diploma of Higher Education



Delivery mode: Learn anywhere online



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