Introduction to Business Intelligence and Big Data (5th ed)

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Business intelligence and Big Data are two of the mainstays of the current technological revolution. The amount of data generated by the information society is growing day by day, and will continue to grow due to the explosion of social networks, smart cities, massive data, mobile devices, sensors , etc. This exponential increase in the volume of data makes it essential to use systems that are capable of analyzing them and converting them into useful information. For this reason, our society, our companies and institutions need to integrate intelligence within the organizational and decision processes, and this implies incorporating business analytics or smart data tools. The fourth edition of this course, taught by Masters in Business Intelligence and Big Data, and the Master's Degree in Data Science, presents an introduction to these tools, the main associated methodologies and current trends within this area.

Language: Spanish

Start date 18 February 2019

Duration: 5 weeks

Hours of study: 20 hours

EQF-Level: EQF level 5 - Foundation/Diploma of Higher Education



Delivery mode: Learn anywhere online



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