Environment and Sustainability: Different Perspectives, Global Issues

Universidade Aberta
This MOOC, Environment and Sustainability: Different Perspectives, Global Issues, aims to promote the cross-disciplinary and integrate knowledge, through different views on the central issue of Environment and Sustainability.

In this way, two distinct perspectives are presented that pass through: (i) introduction of energy concepts, fundamental to understand the world around us and the relationship between energy, environment and development;
(ii) realization of environmental degradation in a changing world, underlining the importance of biodiversity in preserving humanity.

Such perspectives contribute to a holistic approach to the global issue which is, of course, the pursuit of a more sustainable world.

This course is intended for students of higher education involved in scientific areas directly related to Environment and Sustainability, as well as to all those who wish to construct a more reflective knowledge and a more informed action on the problems in study.

The frequency of this course will allow you to:

- Integrate scientific knowledge for a better understanding of those that are, increasingly, the environmental issues that are posed to society;
- Understand the environmental phenomena for the acquisition / development of the necessary competences for an active, interventive, informed and better qualified citizenship.

Language: Portuguese


Duration: 0 weeks

Hours of study: 30 hours

EQF-Level: EQF level 6 - Bachelor's Degree



Delivery mode: Learn anywhere online



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