Impact and application of Generative Artificial Intelligence within Education

Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
With the launch of ChatGPT to the public, in November 2022, educational institutions are starting to feel the seismic impact that new Generative Artificial Intelligence tools could have on maintaining academic integrity and quality control over education. Educators’ emotions have ranged from intrigue and excitement to panic about massive disruption.

This project outlines the basic premise/workings of ChatGPT, etc. However, the main work will be focused on designing a series of discussion forums and a wiki, which we will then use to encourage participants to share their learning and practice. This will help us collaboratively develop guidelines about how higher education staff can adapt to this disruptive technology (e.g. how to evolve assessment towards creative and critical thinking, how to re-orientate current educational and particularly assessment practices, how to get the most out of it, how to create a policy of use, etc.).

This is intended to be a collaborative online space for sharing practice and exemplars and developing good guidance, particularly for those in the IEEE Education Society community.


Language: English

Start date 16 September 2024

Duration: 25 weeks

Hours of study: 25 hours

EQF-Level: EQF level 1

Rights: CC BY-NC-SA

Requirements: Yes

Free of charge

Delivery mode: Learn anywhere online

QA: Yes


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