Introduction to Entrepreneurship

Introduction to Entrepreneurship


Entrepreneurship is defined as value creation by observing business

opportunities. In Recommendation of the European Parliament and the Council

of 18 December 2006 on key competences for lifelong learning, one of the eight

key competences is “sense of initiative and entrepreneurship”. Today,

unemployment is an important challenge with which not only developing but also

developed countries are faced. In this respect, entrepreneurship is important for

social policies, as well as for economic policies. Growth and stability, in other

words development of a country, is dependent on investments and the

establishment of innovative businesses that manufacture products with high

added value. That is why developing innovation and entrepreneurship cultures

and creating entrepreneurship ecosystems are of particular importance for

individuals, businesses and society. Another key competence defined by the

European Council is technology literacy, which requires individuals to use

technology effectively and generate innovative products by means of technology.

This course is designed to develop both technology and entrepreneurship skills.

You may find this course interesting if you plan to be a technology entrepreneur.

This five-week course is mainly based on individual learning. You are required to

carry out a series of activities every week, and share them with the instructor.

With feedback from the instructor, you will make necessary revisions on the

assignments, and create a kind of portfolio. At the end of the course, you are

expected to develop a detailed business plan. You are required to carry out all

activities and submit your business plan to the instructor to complete the course


Course format

Guided Course


You should be able to understand Turkish


Anadolu University


Mehmet BAŞAR

Mehmet BAŞAR

Personal page



Language Turkish
Self-paced Yes
Hours of study 25 hours
EQF-Level EQF level 5 - Foundation/Diploma of Higher Education
Rights Open license: (re-)use it
Requirements Free admittance
Cost Free of charge
Delivery mode Learn anywhere online
QA Quality assured
Massive Massive
Full Course Experience Full course experience
Provider OpenupEd
Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship is defined as value creation by observing business

opportunities. In Recommendation of the European Parliament and the Council

of 18 December 2006 on key competences for lifelong learning, one of the eight

key competences is “sense of initiative and entrepreneurship”. Today,

unemployment is an important challenge with which not only developing but also

developed countries are faced. In this respect, entrepreneurship is important for

social policies, as well as for economic policies. Growth and stability, in other

words development of a country, is dependent on investments and the

establishment of innovative businesses that manufacture products with high

added value. That is why developing innovation and entrepreneurship cultures

and creating entrepreneurship ecosystems are of particular importance for

individuals, businesses and society. Another key competence defined by the

European Council is technology literacy, which requires individuals to use

technology effectively and generate innovative products by means of technology.

This course is designed to develop both technology and entrepreneurship skills.

You may find this course interesting if you plan to be a technology entrepreneur.

This five-week course is mainly based on individual learning. You are required to

carry out a series of activities every week, and share them with the instructor.

With feedback from the instructor, you will make necessary revisions on the

assignments, and create a kind of portfolio. At the end of the course, you are

expected to develop a detailed business plan. You are required to carry out all

activities and submit your business plan to the instructor to complete the course

Start anytime
Anadolu University
Guided Course
You should be able to understand Turkish
For more information about the EFQ levels click here
EQF level 5 - Foundation/Diploma of Higher Education
Mehmet BAŞAR
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Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Always online
Full Course Experience

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Anadolu University
2016-12-06 13:26:26
Girişimciliğe Başlangıç
Girişimcilik, iş fırsatların gözlemlenmesi sonucunda değer yaratım süreci olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Avrupa Parlamentosu ve Avrupa Konseyi’nin 18 Aralık 2006 tarihli “Hayat Boyu Öğrenme Becerileri” ile ilgili olarak belirlemiş olduğu “Anahtar Yeterlilikler” tavsiye kararında, bireylere kazandırılması hedeflenen sekiz anahtar yeterlilikten biri olarak eğitim ve öğretimin her aşamasında “inisiyatif alma duygusu ve girişimcilik” yer almaktadır. Bugün gelinen noktada mesleksizlik ve beraberinde ortaya çıkan işsizlik, gerek gelişmekte olan gerekse de gelişmiş ülkelerin tamamının çözüm aradığı önemli bir sorundur. Bu açıdan bakıldığında girişimcilik; ekonomi politikaları açısından önemli olduğu kadar uygulanmak istenen sosyal politikalar açısından da son derece önemlidir. Büyüme ve istihdamın sağlanması, diğer bir anlatımla ülkelerin kalkınması, yatırıma ve katma değeri yüksek ürünler üretebilecek inovatif yapıdaki işletmelerin kurulmasına bağlıdır. Bu yüzden girişimcilik ve inovasyon kültürünün oluşturulması ve beraberinde girişimcilik ekosisteminin yaratılması bireyler, işletmeler ve toplum açısından son derece önemlidir. Öte yanda, Avrupa Konseyi’nin sıraladığı bir diğer yeterlik ise teknoloji okuryazarlığıdır. Bir başka deyişle, bireylerin teknolojiyi etkili kullanması ve teknoloji kullanarak yenilikçi ürünler ortaya koyabilmeleri hedeflenmektedir.

Bu ders, temel düzeyde hem teknoloji hem de girişimcilik becerileri kazandırmayı hedefleyen son derece özgün bir içeriğe sahiptir. Bir teknoloji girişimcisi olmak istiyorsanız dersi çok ilgi çekici bulabilirsiniz. Toplam 5 hafta süreli bu ders büyük ölçüde bireysel öğrenmeye dayalı geliştirilmiştir. Her hafta bir dizi etkinliği bireysel olarak tamamlamanız ve öğretim elemanı ile paylaşmanız beklenmektedir. Öğretim elemanından gelecek geribildirim sonrasında gerekli düzeltmeleri tamamlayarak bir tür ürün dosyası (portfolyo) hazırlamış olacaksınız. Dersin sonunda sizden tüm detayları düşünülmüş bir iş planı sunusu hazırlamış olmanız beklenmektedir. Dersi tamamlayabilmek için tüm etkinlikleri tamamlamış olmanız ve iş planı sununuzu dersin öğretim elemanına teslim etmiş olmanız gerekmektedir.
Rehber Gözetimli
#K7MrB3# thinking she's gotten past dealing with her Use stripes correctly. Stripes can be your figure flattering best friend, or your worst fashion enemy. The trick is knowing when and how to use them. Get your materials. You will need a watch face. You can use one from any old watch, as long as it's still working. Grosgrain Fabulous also has a fantastic tutorial for re sizing sweaters. I have already re sized quite a few of my boxy sweaters to a more fitting (and flattering) size. Resizing is as simple as this: turn your sweater inside out; put it on; pin the excess; take it off; sew along the pins.. The fabric used in the manufacturer of swim suits was also reduced causing the disappearance of the little skirt flap so popular on one piece suits. Fabric reduction was responsible for bare midriffs and the introduction of the 2 piece swim suit. Many women wore flat heeled shoes for safety and comfort in the workplace. Whichever you prefer, be sure there are smaller pockets for your wallet, keys, phone and pens. Women should also have a purse or clutch for dates or parties. Sunglasses, stylish belts and a variety of jewelry, from small and simple to big and bright, will transform any outfit. Sift powdered sugar and cinnamon together and sprinkle pastries before serving at room temperature. If not serving the same day, stack the pastries in airtight plastic containers and freeze for up to 2 weeks. To serve, reheat to freshen in a 325 degree preheated oven for about 7 to 12 minutes or until warm, cool slightly, and decorate with powdered sugar and cinnamon.. In short, I am hooked. I have found exactly what I want and need, with lower prices to boot. I never would have believed it. Is most of your height in your torso or legs? for me it in my torso, meaning that i need to be very careful about what shirts i pick. 34" waist + 34" inseam seams to work fine for me. Shirt wise . Wholesale fashion accessories might include items like handbags, bracelets, wallets for men, necklaces and pendants, as well as earrings. These can be found in different designs and fashions, and are all manufactured from different materials. As a business owner, you have to be able to determine what consumers ask for most, so that as soon as you are certain, you are able to buy it in wholesale.. The Review!Media Blasters has a pretty good selection of mixes here with four audio tracks, two of which are relatively unnecessary if DVD players are built properly. The Japanese and English language mixes are presented in both a 5.1 mix and a 2.0 mix to ensure the best overall playback. The stereo mixes are done in a standard minimal 192kbps encoding while the 5.1 mixes get the full 448kbps. drapekings1 oiselle amazonpressroom citybbqs xvideos-v amazonsweetshow awweather slimvapepencoupon freeradio aetc top5pokemon viuedu prestonacuk

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