Let’s Sing Folk Songs
This course aims to enable participants to sing folk songs appropriately in
consideration of local varieties. During this eight-week course, participants will
get general knowledge of Turkish folk music, songs with and without lyrics,
distribution of folk songs by region, classification of musical instruments used in
Turkish folk music, and learn to sing some regional folk songs. This course is
particularly important for appropriate transfer of traditional folk songs to future
Participants will be able to develop appropriate manners and breath techniques
when singing, provided that they listen to records of activities regularly and
The aims of the course are to enable participants:
1. to define Turkish folk music, to get familiar with melodies with and without
lyrics, and to classify musical instruments used in Turkish folk music,
2. to perform folk songs of Central Anatolia properly, in view of local varieties,
3. to perform folk songs of Eastern Anatolia properly, in view of local varieties,
4. to perform folk songs of Southeastern Anatolia properly, in view of local
5. to perform folk songs of Black Sea Region properly, in view of local varieties,
6. to perform folk songs of Aegean Region properly, in view of local varieties,
7. to perform folk songs of Mediterranean Region properly, in view of local
8. to perform folk songs of Thrace properly, in view of local varieties.
Week 1 – Nature of Turkish folk music, Local names, Musical instruments
Week 2 – Performing folk songs of Central Anatolia
Week 3 – Performing folk songs of Eastern Anatolia
Week 4 – Performing folk songs of Southeastern Anatolia
Week 5 – Performing folk songs of Black Sea Region
Week 6 – Performing folk songs of Aegean Region
Week 7 – Performing folk songs of Mediterranean Region
Week 8 – Performing folk songs of Thrace
consideration of local varieties. During this eight-week course, participants will
get general knowledge of Turkish folk music, songs with and without lyrics,
distribution of folk songs by region, classification of musical instruments used in
Turkish folk music, and learn to sing some regional folk songs. This course is
particularly important for appropriate transfer of traditional folk songs to future
Participants will be able to develop appropriate manners and breath techniques
when singing, provided that they listen to records of activities regularly and
The aims of the course are to enable participants:
1. to define Turkish folk music, to get familiar with melodies with and without
lyrics, and to classify musical instruments used in Turkish folk music,
2. to perform folk songs of Central Anatolia properly, in view of local varieties,
3. to perform folk songs of Eastern Anatolia properly, in view of local varieties,
4. to perform folk songs of Southeastern Anatolia properly, in view of local
5. to perform folk songs of Black Sea Region properly, in view of local varieties,
6. to perform folk songs of Aegean Region properly, in view of local varieties,
7. to perform folk songs of Mediterranean Region properly, in view of local
8. to perform folk songs of Thrace properly, in view of local varieties.
Week 1 – Nature of Turkish folk music, Local names, Musical instruments
Week 2 – Performing folk songs of Central Anatolia
Week 3 – Performing folk songs of Eastern Anatolia
Week 4 – Performing folk songs of Southeastern Anatolia
Week 5 – Performing folk songs of Black Sea Region
Week 6 – Performing folk songs of Aegean Region
Week 7 – Performing folk songs of Mediterranean Region
Week 8 – Performing folk songs of Thrace
Course format
Guided Course
You should be able to understand Turkish
Language |
Turkish |
Yes |
Hours of study | 25 hours |
EQF-Level | EQF level 5 - Foundation/Diploma of Higher Education |
Open license: (re-)use it |
Free admittance |
Free of charge |
Learn anywhere online |
Quality assured |
Massive | Massive |
Full Course Experience | Full course experience |
Provider | OpenupEd |
Let’s Sing Folk Songs
This course aims to enable participants to sing folk songs appropriately in
consideration of local varieties. During this eight-week course, participants will
get general knowledge of Turkish folk music, songs with and without lyrics,
distribution of folk songs by region, classification of musical instruments used in
Turkish folk music, and learn to sing some regional folk songs. This course is
particularly important for appropriate transfer of traditional folk songs to future
Participants will be able to develop appropriate manners and breath techniques
when singing, provided that they listen to records of activities regularly and
The aims of the course are to enable participants:
1. to define Turkish folk music, to get familiar with melodies with and without
lyrics, and to classify musical instruments used in Turkish folk music,
2. to perform folk songs of Central Anatolia properly, in view of local varieties,
3. to perform folk songs of Eastern Anatolia properly, in view of local varieties,
4. to perform folk songs of Southeastern Anatolia properly, in view of local
5. to perform folk songs of Black Sea Region properly, in view of local varieties,
6. to perform folk songs of Aegean Region properly, in view of local varieties,
7. to perform folk songs of Mediterranean Region properly, in view of local
8. to perform folk songs of Thrace properly, in view of local varieties.
Week 1 – Nature of Turkish folk music, Local names, Musical instruments
Week 2 – Performing folk songs of Central Anatolia
Week 3 – Performing folk songs of Eastern Anatolia
Week 4 – Performing folk songs of Southeastern Anatolia
Week 5 – Performing folk songs of Black Sea Region
Week 6 – Performing folk songs of Aegean Region
Week 7 – Performing folk songs of Mediterranean Region
Week 8 – Performing folk songs of Thrace
consideration of local varieties. During this eight-week course, participants will
get general knowledge of Turkish folk music, songs with and without lyrics,
distribution of folk songs by region, classification of musical instruments used in
Turkish folk music, and learn to sing some regional folk songs. This course is
particularly important for appropriate transfer of traditional folk songs to future
Participants will be able to develop appropriate manners and breath techniques
when singing, provided that they listen to records of activities regularly and
The aims of the course are to enable participants:
1. to define Turkish folk music, to get familiar with melodies with and without
lyrics, and to classify musical instruments used in Turkish folk music,
2. to perform folk songs of Central Anatolia properly, in view of local varieties,
3. to perform folk songs of Eastern Anatolia properly, in view of local varieties,
4. to perform folk songs of Southeastern Anatolia properly, in view of local
5. to perform folk songs of Black Sea Region properly, in view of local varieties,
6. to perform folk songs of Aegean Region properly, in view of local varieties,
7. to perform folk songs of Mediterranean Region properly, in view of local
8. to perform folk songs of Thrace properly, in view of local varieties.
Week 1 – Nature of Turkish folk music, Local names, Musical instruments
Week 2 – Performing folk songs of Central Anatolia
Week 3 – Performing folk songs of Eastern Anatolia
Week 4 – Performing folk songs of Southeastern Anatolia
Week 5 – Performing folk songs of Black Sea Region
Week 6 – Performing folk songs of Aegean Region
Week 7 – Performing folk songs of Mediterranean Region
Week 8 – Performing folk songs of Thrace
Anadolu University
Guided Course
You should be able to understand Turkish
For more information about the EFQ levels click here
EQF level 5 - Foundation/Diploma of Higher Education
Pelin Demirçe ALTINTAŞ, Erdal ULUDAĞ
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3. Set the crop settings by clicking on four arrows icon.
4. Drag the crop area and zoom or rotate the image if needed.

Always online
Full Course Experience
Further information
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Anadolu University
2016-12-06 12:02:15
Türkü Söylüyorum
Bu ders; türküleri daha doğru ve yöre tavrına uygun bir biçimde söyleyebilmeyi hedeflemektedir. 8 haftalık bu derste; Türk Halk Müziğinin tanımını, sözlü ve sözsüz ezgileri tanımayı, yörelere göre uzun hava ve kırık havaların aldıkları isimleri, Türk Halk Müziği enstrümanlarını sınıflandırmayı ve yöreler ile ilgili seçilmiş türküler icra etmeyi öğreneceksiniz. Bu ders ayrıca; ürkülerin yeni nesillere doğru bir biçimde aktarılması bakımından büyük önem taşımaktadır.
Dersimizle ilgili sizler için hazırlanmış etkinlik kayıtlarını düzenli olarak dinlerseniz dersin sonunda sizde doğru tavır ve nefes teknikleriyle türküleri icra ettiğinizi göreceksiniz.
1. Türk Halk Müziğinin tanımını yapabilme, Sözlü ve sözsüz ezgileri tanıyabilme, T. H. M. Enstrümanlarını sınıflandırabilme,
2. Orta Anadolu türkülerini yöresel tavrına uygun, doğru icra edebilme,
3. Doğu Anadolu türkülerini yöresel tavrına uygun, doğru icra edebilme,
4. Güneydoğu Anadolu türkülerini yöresel tavrına uygun, doğru icra edebilme,
5. Karadeniz türkülerini yöresel tavrına uygun, doğru icra edebilme,
6. Ege türkülerini yöresel tavrına uygun, doğru icra edebilme,
7. Akdeniz türkülerini yöresel tavrına uygun, doğru icra edebilme,
8. Trakya (Marmara) türkülerini yöresel tavrına uygun, doğru icra edebilme.
Hafta 1: İlk olarak Türk Halk Müziği'nin ne olduğunu ve yörelere göre aldığı isimleri tanımak, Türk Halk Müziği enstrümanlarını sınıflandırmak.
Hafta 2: Orta Anadolu türkülerini icra etmek,
Hafta 3: Doğu Anadolu türkülerini icra etmek,
Hafta 4: Güneydoğu Anadolu türkülerini icra etmek,
Hafta 5: Karadeniz türkülerini icra etmek,
Hafta 6: Ege türkülerini icra etmek,
Hafta 7: Akdeniz türkülerini icra etmek,
Hafta 8: Trakya (Marmara) türkülerini icra etmek.
Dersimizle ilgili sizler için hazırlanmış etkinlik kayıtlarını düzenli olarak dinlerseniz dersin sonunda sizde doğru tavır ve nefes teknikleriyle türküleri icra ettiğinizi göreceksiniz.
1. Türk Halk Müziğinin tanımını yapabilme, Sözlü ve sözsüz ezgileri tanıyabilme, T. H. M. Enstrümanlarını sınıflandırabilme,
2. Orta Anadolu türkülerini yöresel tavrına uygun, doğru icra edebilme,
3. Doğu Anadolu türkülerini yöresel tavrına uygun, doğru icra edebilme,
4. Güneydoğu Anadolu türkülerini yöresel tavrına uygun, doğru icra edebilme,
5. Karadeniz türkülerini yöresel tavrına uygun, doğru icra edebilme,
6. Ege türkülerini yöresel tavrına uygun, doğru icra edebilme,
7. Akdeniz türkülerini yöresel tavrına uygun, doğru icra edebilme,
8. Trakya (Marmara) türkülerini yöresel tavrına uygun, doğru icra edebilme.
Hafta 1: İlk olarak Türk Halk Müziği'nin ne olduğunu ve yörelere göre aldığı isimleri tanımak, Türk Halk Müziği enstrümanlarını sınıflandırmak.
Hafta 2: Orta Anadolu türkülerini icra etmek,
Hafta 3: Doğu Anadolu türkülerini icra etmek,
Hafta 4: Güneydoğu Anadolu türkülerini icra etmek,
Hafta 5: Karadeniz türkülerini icra etmek,
Hafta 6: Ege türkülerini icra etmek,
Hafta 7: Akdeniz türkülerini icra etmek,
Hafta 8: Trakya (Marmara) türkülerini icra etmek.
Rehber Gözetimli