Our framework
At OpenupEd we developed a framework of common features for our MOOCs that puts you, the learner, at the center...
At OpenupEd we developed a framework of common features for our MOOCs that puts you, the learner, at the center...
There is nothing wrong with reading a text online or watching a lecture on video. But ...
As stated earlier, MOOCs should be designed as open as possible, in such a way that ...
Successful course completion should be recognised as an educational achievement...
Digital openness has various domains to which it can relate: open source (for software), open access (for scientific output), open content, open educational resources (for learning materials). A central issue...
A high quality course is essential for an optimal chance of study success. OpenupEd aims to ...
MOOCs should be designed such that all unnecessary barriers to learning are removed, while aiming to provide students with...
OpenupEd supports diversity...
In higher education students usually are guided throughout the curriculum by teaching staff in classrooms, by books and readers and in virtual learning environments.
A MOOC, however...