Introduction to Photography
Photography has today become integrated into our daily lives particularly with the
extensive use of mobile phones. Thus, as the interest in photography grows, the
number of people wishing to learn photography increases. This course aims to
enable participants to learn how to take photographs properly. We will start with
“photo”, i.e. light, the sine qua non for photography, and continue with “graph”,
i.e. writing and drawing with light. At the end of this basic course, participants are
expected to gain basic knowledge of appropriate use of light in photography,
composition and framing, and use of professional cameras. Even if you are not
keen on taking shots properly and do not want to follow the rules, come and join
us. You cannot break the rules without knowing them. When you complete this
course successfully, you will have gained basic knowledge and skills required to
take better photographs and to improve yourself in any field of photography. You
may not have had chance to get photography training so far. But now you have the
chance to learn photography at your own pace.
There is no prerequisite for the course. You do not need to own a camera. You
may have a professional camera for which you paid thousands of Turkish liras, or
an analogue camera you bought from flea market. Or you can join us with your
mobile phone. At the end of each class, participants will be asked to take and
upload pictures. Do not worry if you do not have a camera! We have surprise
activities for you. Let’s write with light together!
Week 1. Use of Light
Week 2. Composition
Week 3. Cameras
Week 4. Photoproject
extensive use of mobile phones. Thus, as the interest in photography grows, the
number of people wishing to learn photography increases. This course aims to
enable participants to learn how to take photographs properly. We will start with
“photo”, i.e. light, the sine qua non for photography, and continue with “graph”,
i.e. writing and drawing with light. At the end of this basic course, participants are
expected to gain basic knowledge of appropriate use of light in photography,
composition and framing, and use of professional cameras. Even if you are not
keen on taking shots properly and do not want to follow the rules, come and join
us. You cannot break the rules without knowing them. When you complete this
course successfully, you will have gained basic knowledge and skills required to
take better photographs and to improve yourself in any field of photography. You
may not have had chance to get photography training so far. But now you have the
chance to learn photography at your own pace.
There is no prerequisite for the course. You do not need to own a camera. You
may have a professional camera for which you paid thousands of Turkish liras, or
an analogue camera you bought from flea market. Or you can join us with your
mobile phone. At the end of each class, participants will be asked to take and
upload pictures. Do not worry if you do not have a camera! We have surprise
activities for you. Let’s write with light together!
Week 1. Use of Light
Week 2. Composition
Week 3. Cameras
Week 4. Photoproject
Course format
Guided Course
You should be able to understand Turkish
Language |
Turkish |
Yes |
Hours of study | 25 hours |
EQF-Level | EQF level 5 - Foundation/Diploma of Higher Education |
Open license: (re-)use it |
Free admittance |
Free of charge |
Learn anywhere online |
Quality assured |
Massive | Massive |
Full Course Experience | Full course experience |
Provider | OpenupEd |
Introduction to Photography
Photography has today become integrated into our daily lives particularly with the
extensive use of mobile phones. Thus, as the interest in photography grows, the
number of people wishing to learn photography increases. This course aims to
enable participants to learn how to take photographs properly. We will start with
“photo”, i.e. light, the sine qua non for photography, and continue with “graph”,
i.e. writing and drawing with light. At the end of this basic course, participants are
expected to gain basic knowledge of appropriate use of light in photography,
composition and framing, and use of professional cameras. Even if you are not
keen on taking shots properly and do not want to follow the rules, come and join
us. You cannot break the rules without knowing them. When you complete this
course successfully, you will have gained basic knowledge and skills required to
take better photographs and to improve yourself in any field of photography. You
may not have had chance to get photography training so far. But now you have the
chance to learn photography at your own pace.
There is no prerequisite for the course. You do not need to own a camera. You
may have a professional camera for which you paid thousands of Turkish liras, or
an analogue camera you bought from flea market. Or you can join us with your
mobile phone. At the end of each class, participants will be asked to take and
upload pictures. Do not worry if you do not have a camera! We have surprise
activities for you. Let’s write with light together!
Week 1. Use of Light
Week 2. Composition
Week 3. Cameras
Week 4. Photoproject
extensive use of mobile phones. Thus, as the interest in photography grows, the
number of people wishing to learn photography increases. This course aims to
enable participants to learn how to take photographs properly. We will start with
“photo”, i.e. light, the sine qua non for photography, and continue with “graph”,
i.e. writing and drawing with light. At the end of this basic course, participants are
expected to gain basic knowledge of appropriate use of light in photography,
composition and framing, and use of professional cameras. Even if you are not
keen on taking shots properly and do not want to follow the rules, come and join
us. You cannot break the rules without knowing them. When you complete this
course successfully, you will have gained basic knowledge and skills required to
take better photographs and to improve yourself in any field of photography. You
may not have had chance to get photography training so far. But now you have the
chance to learn photography at your own pace.
There is no prerequisite for the course. You do not need to own a camera. You
may have a professional camera for which you paid thousands of Turkish liras, or
an analogue camera you bought from flea market. Or you can join us with your
mobile phone. At the end of each class, participants will be asked to take and
upload pictures. Do not worry if you do not have a camera! We have surprise
activities for you. Let’s write with light together!
Week 1. Use of Light
Week 2. Composition
Week 3. Cameras
Week 4. Photoproject
Anadolu University
Guided Course
You should be able to understand Turkish
For more information about the EFQ levels click here
EQF level 5 - Foundation/Diploma of Higher Education
1. Select an image to upload (add files)
2. Click 'start upload'
3. Set the crop settings by clicking on four arrows icon.
4. Drag the crop area and zoom or rotate the image if needed.
2. Click 'start upload'
3. Set the crop settings by clicking on four arrows icon.
4. Drag the crop area and zoom or rotate the image if needed.

Always online
Full Course Experience
- 0
Anadolu University
2016-12-06 12:30:01
Temel Fotoğrafçılık
Günümüzde akıllı telefonların da yaygınlaşmasıyla fotoğrafla daha iç içe yaşar hale gelmiş bulunmaktayız. Dolayısıyla fotoğrafa ilgi artarken, fotoğrafı bilerek çekmek isteyenlerin sayısı da artmaktadır. Bu ders nasıl doğru fotoğraflar çekebileceğinizi öğrenmenizi amaçlamaktadır. Öncelikle olmazsa olmazımız “photo” yani ışığın ne olduğunu öğrenecek ve ardından “graph” o ışıkla yazmaya, çizmeye başlayacaksınız. Bu temel fotoğrafçılık dersinin sonunda fotoğrafta ışığın doğru kullanımını, kompozisyonu ve kadrajı doğru kurgulamayı, profesyonel makine kullanımını öğrenmeniz amaçlanmaktadır. Ben doğru çekilmiş fotoğrafın peşinde değilim, kural tanımam diyorsanız da bekleriz çünkü kuralları bilmeden onları daha iyi yıkamazsınız. Alacağınız bu dersi başarıyla tamamladığınızda istediğiniz fotoğrafları çekiyor olabilecek ve kendinizi istediğiniz fotoğrafçılık alanında yetiştirebilecek temel düzeyde bilgi sahibi olmuş olacaksınız. Özellikle fotoğrafçılık alanında ders almak isteyip bir şekilde imkân bulamayanlar kendi tempolarında öğrenmelerine fırsat verecek olan bu dersten yararlanabileceklerdir.
Derse katılmak için ön şart olmadığı gibi fotoğraf makinesi olması şartı da yoktur. Binlerce liralık profesyonel makineniz de olabilir, bitpazarından çok uygun fiyata aldığınız bir analog makineniz de. Veya telefonunuzla katılmak istersiniz ya da benim şimdilik makinem yok ama alacağım, şimdiden öğrenmek istiyorum da diyebilirsiniz. Her dersin sonunda değerlendirme olarak o derste öğrenilen konuya uygun şekilde katılımcılardan fotoğraf çekip paylaşmaları istenecektir. Ancak fotoğraf makinesi olmayanlar üzülmesinler, onlar için de sürpriz etkinlikler yapılacaktır. Haydi öyleyse ışıkla yazmaya!
1. Hafta: Işık kullanımı
2. Hafta: Kompozisyon
3. Hafta: Fotoğraf makineleri ve kullanımları
4. Hafta: Foto proje
Derse katılmak için ön şart olmadığı gibi fotoğraf makinesi olması şartı da yoktur. Binlerce liralık profesyonel makineniz de olabilir, bitpazarından çok uygun fiyata aldığınız bir analog makineniz de. Veya telefonunuzla katılmak istersiniz ya da benim şimdilik makinem yok ama alacağım, şimdiden öğrenmek istiyorum da diyebilirsiniz. Her dersin sonunda değerlendirme olarak o derste öğrenilen konuya uygun şekilde katılımcılardan fotoğraf çekip paylaşmaları istenecektir. Ancak fotoğraf makinesi olmayanlar üzülmesinler, onlar için de sürpriz etkinlikler yapılacaktır. Haydi öyleyse ışıkla yazmaya!
1. Hafta: Işık kullanımı
2. Hafta: Kompozisyon
3. Hafta: Fotoğraf makineleri ve kullanımları
4. Hafta: Foto proje
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