Learning Zeybek
The aim of this course is to teach through videos Harmandalı, one of the popular
and important types of Zeybek, i.e. a form of folk dance performed mainly in
Western and Central Anatolia. The eight-week training includes introduction to
the dance, moves, women’s and men’s figures, music and step coordination.
Participants will be able to perform Harmandalı if they practice regularly.
Week 1. Preparations, Positions
Week 2. Arm Positions and Step Coordination
Week 3. History, Main Steps and First Figure
Week 4. First Photographers and Their Works
Weeks 5-7. Various Figures in Harmandalı
Week 8. Combination of Harmandalı Figures Accompanied by Music
and important types of Zeybek, i.e. a form of folk dance performed mainly in
Western and Central Anatolia. The eight-week training includes introduction to
the dance, moves, women’s and men’s figures, music and step coordination.
Participants will be able to perform Harmandalı if they practice regularly.
Week 1. Preparations, Positions
Week 2. Arm Positions and Step Coordination
Week 3. History, Main Steps and First Figure
Week 4. First Photographers and Their Works
Weeks 5-7. Various Figures in Harmandalı
Week 8. Combination of Harmandalı Figures Accompanied by Music
Course format
Guided Course
You should be able to understand Turkish
Language |
Turkish |
Yes |
Hours of study | 25 hours |
EQF-Level | EQF level 5 - Foundation/Diploma of Higher Education |
Open license: (re-)use it |
Free admittance |
Free of charge |
Learn anywhere online |
Quality assured |
Massive | Massive |
Full Course Experience | Full course experience |
Provider | OpenupEd |
Learning Zeybek
The aim of this course is to teach through videos Harmandalı, one of the popular
and important types of Zeybek, i.e. a form of folk dance performed mainly in
Western and Central Anatolia. The eight-week training includes introduction to
the dance, moves, women’s and men’s figures, music and step coordination.
Participants will be able to perform Harmandalı if they practice regularly.
Week 1. Preparations, Positions
Week 2. Arm Positions and Step Coordination
Week 3. History, Main Steps and First Figure
Week 4. First Photographers and Their Works
Weeks 5-7. Various Figures in Harmandalı
Week 8. Combination of Harmandalı Figures Accompanied by Music
and important types of Zeybek, i.e. a form of folk dance performed mainly in
Western and Central Anatolia. The eight-week training includes introduction to
the dance, moves, women’s and men’s figures, music and step coordination.
Participants will be able to perform Harmandalı if they practice regularly.
Week 1. Preparations, Positions
Week 2. Arm Positions and Step Coordination
Week 3. History, Main Steps and First Figure
Week 4. First Photographers and Their Works
Weeks 5-7. Various Figures in Harmandalı
Week 8. Combination of Harmandalı Figures Accompanied by Music
Anadolu University
Guided Course
You should be able to understand Turkish
For more information about the EFQ levels click here
EQF level 5 - Foundation/Diploma of Higher Education
Ahmet Şamil ERKOÇAK, Deniz AKALIN
1. Select an image to upload (add files)
2. Click 'start upload'
3. Set the crop settings by clicking on four arrows icon.
4. Drag the crop area and zoom or rotate the image if needed.
2. Click 'start upload'
3. Set the crop settings by clicking on four arrows icon.
4. Drag the crop area and zoom or rotate the image if needed.

Always online
Full Course Experience
Further information
In order to show thecertifications stated below you have to send us a manual request. Please contact secretariat@eadtu.eu for more information.
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Anadolu University
2016-12-06 12:49:54
Zeybek Öğreniyorum
Zeybek dansları içinde popüler ve önemli bir yeri olan Harmandalı zeybeğini, her hafta oluşturulacak uygulamalı videolar aracılığı ile öğretmeyi hedeflemekteyiz.8 hafta sürecek ders, dansa giriş, tavır, kadın ve erkek figürleri, müzik ve adım koordinasyonunu içermektedir. Yeterli tekrar ile pekiştirildiğinde öğrenci harmandalı zeybeğini oynayabilecektir.
Hafta1: Doğru duruş, dansa hazırlık ve kol pozisyonları
Hafta2: Kol pozisyonları ile adım koordinasyonu
Hafta3: Tarihçe, temel adım ve ilk figür
Hafta4: Selamlama figürü
Hafta5: Eşme figürü
Hafta6: Atik figürü
Hafta7: Sürükleme figürü
Hafta8: Harmandalı zeybeği figürlerini birleştirip farklı metronomdaki müzik varyasyonları ile uygulamak
Hafta1: Doğru duruş, dansa hazırlık ve kol pozisyonları
Hafta2: Kol pozisyonları ile adım koordinasyonu
Hafta3: Tarihçe, temel adım ve ilk figür
Hafta4: Selamlama figürü
Hafta5: Eşme figürü
Hafta6: Atik figürü
Hafta7: Sürükleme figürü
Hafta8: Harmandalı zeybeği figürlerini birleştirip farklı metronomdaki müzik varyasyonları ile uygulamak
Rehber Gözetimli