Digital Transformation in Higher Education

Digital Transformation in Higher Education


There have been radical changes in all kinds of organizations and ways of doing

business in the digital age. The first examples that come to mind are technological

changes in communication and banking, healthcare, in addition to manufacturing

business, and applications such as e-trade, social media, e-state and mobile

communication. As a result of these changes and transformations, technology

helps us do business more rapidly, efficiently and cost-effectively, as well as

process and transfer information very rapidly to use it in decision-making

processes. It is obvious that the education sector cannot remain unresponsive to

such changes. The sector certainly takes advantage of opportunities provided by

technology. Technology-aided practices that started in the form of distance

education have now evolved and diversified to include e-learning, open course

materials, massive online courses, mobile learning and micro-learning. Today, it

is generally accepted that learning is not constrained to four walls of schools, and

can take place anywhere anytime. However, it is hard to say that higher-education

institutions have gone through the administrative transformation that allows

them to take full advantage of technological advancements. Great investments

have been made on infrastructure and equipment, and applications related to e-

learning, distance education and mobile learning have been developed.

Nevertheless, higher-education institutions are not willing enough to change their

traditional organization and education processes. Administrative endeavors focus

on the success of technological transformation. Carrying out traditional

procedures with the aid of technology is seen as a reform. Factors such as

effectiveness and efficiency of education processes, satisfaction of stakeholders

and cost of investments are not taken into consideration.

In view of above arguments, this course is designed to draw attention to the

administrative aspect of digital transformation in higher education.

Transformation in higher education is needed not only to take advantage of but

also to fulfill requirements of the digital age. However, such transformation

should be based on a holistic approach that embraces all components of

education. In this respect, this course consists of four parts:

1. Changing Paradigms in Education and Higher Education: This part of the

course concentrates on the quality and history of transformation in

education, as well as the paradigms that influence educational and

administrative activities.

2. Digital Transformation in Higher Education:This part of the course is

related to the effects of technological progress in the digital age on higher


3. Administrative Aspect of Digital Transformation: This part of the course

focuses on the administrative aspect of transformation in higher education

from the perspective of the concept of system and scientific approach.

4. Learning Management Systems as a Means of Digital Transformation: This

part of the course examines the role of Learning Management Systems

(LMS), integrated sets of software that allow the presentation of resources

and activities, interaction and cooperation among stakeholders, in the

transformation of higher education.

Course format

Guided Course


You should be able to understand Turkish


Anadolu University


Ali Ekrem ÖZKUL

Ali Ekrem ÖZKUL

Personal page



Language Turkish
Self-paced Yes
Hours of study 25 hours
EQF-Level EQF level 5 - Foundation/Diploma of Higher Education
Rights Open license: (re-)use it
Requirements Free admittance
Cost Free of charge
Delivery mode Learn anywhere online
QA Quality assured
Massive Massive
Full Course Experience Full course experience
Provider OpenupEd
Digital Transformation in Higher Education
There have been radical changes in all kinds of organizations and ways of doing

business in the digital age. The first examples that come to mind are technological

changes in communication and banking, healthcare, in addition to manufacturing

business, and applications such as e-trade, social media, e-state and mobile

communication. As a result of these changes and transformations, technology

helps us do business more rapidly, efficiently and cost-effectively, as well as

process and transfer information very rapidly to use it in decision-making

processes. It is obvious that the education sector cannot remain unresponsive to

such changes. The sector certainly takes advantage of opportunities provided by

technology. Technology-aided practices that started in the form of distance

education have now evolved and diversified to include e-learning, open course

materials, massive online courses, mobile learning and micro-learning. Today, it

is generally accepted that learning is not constrained to four walls of schools, and

can take place anywhere anytime. However, it is hard to say that higher-education

institutions have gone through the administrative transformation that allows

them to take full advantage of technological advancements. Great investments

have been made on infrastructure and equipment, and applications related to e-

learning, distance education and mobile learning have been developed.

Nevertheless, higher-education institutions are not willing enough to change their

traditional organization and education processes. Administrative endeavors focus

on the success of technological transformation. Carrying out traditional

procedures with the aid of technology is seen as a reform. Factors such as

effectiveness and efficiency of education processes, satisfaction of stakeholders

and cost of investments are not taken into consideration.

In view of above arguments, this course is designed to draw attention to the

administrative aspect of digital transformation in higher education.

Transformation in higher education is needed not only to take advantage of but

also to fulfill requirements of the digital age. However, such transformation

should be based on a holistic approach that embraces all components of

education. In this respect, this course consists of four parts:

1. Changing Paradigms in Education and Higher Education: This part of the

course concentrates on the quality and history of transformation in

education, as well as the paradigms that influence educational and

administrative activities.

2. Digital Transformation in Higher Education:This part of the course is

related to the effects of technological progress in the digital age on higher


3. Administrative Aspect of Digital Transformation: This part of the course

focuses on the administrative aspect of transformation in higher education

from the perspective of the concept of system and scientific approach.

4. Learning Management Systems as a Means of Digital Transformation: This

part of the course examines the role of Learning Management Systems

(LMS), integrated sets of software that allow the presentation of resources

and activities, interaction and cooperation among stakeholders, in the

transformation of higher education.
Start anytime
Anadolu University
Guided Course
You should be able to understand Turkish
For more information about the EFQ levels click here
EQF level 5 - Foundation/Diploma of Higher Education
Ali Ekrem ÖZKUL
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Digital Transformation in Higher Education
Always online
Full Course Experience

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Anadolu University
2016-12-06 12:57:51
Yüksek Öğretimde Dijital Dönüşüm
İçinde bulunduğumuz digital çağda hemen her alandaki kurumsal yapılarda ve iş yapma biçimlerinde köklü değişiklikler olduğunu hepimiz gözlemliyoruz. İmalat işletmeleri yanında iletişim, bankacılık, sağlık kurumları gibi hizmet sektöründeki teknolojik değişimler; robotlar, akıllı sistemler, e -ticaret, sosyal medya, e-devlet, mobil iletişim gibi uygulamalar hemen aklımıza gelen örnekler. Bu değişimlerin, dönüşümlerin temelinde teknolojinin sağladığı işleri daha hızlı, etkili ve ucuz yapabilme olanakları yanında bilginin anında kaydedilmesi, çok hızlı işlenmesi ve iletilmesi ve karar süreçlerinde kullanılması var. Eğitim sektörünün bütün bu gelişmelere duyarsız kalmasının, bu fırsat ve olanaklardan yararlanmamasının söz konusu olamayacağı açık . Nitekim önceleri uzaktan eğitim olarak başlayan teknoloji destekli uygulamalar günümüzde e-öğrenme, açık ders kaynakları , kitlesel çevrimiçi dersler, mobil öğrenme, mikro öğrenme gibi modellere evrilerek çoğalıyor ve yaygınlaşıyor. Eğitimin okulların dört duvarı ile sınırlı olmadığı, öğrenmenin her yerde ve her zaman gerçekleştirilmesinin mümkün olduğunu hemen herkes kabul ediyor. Ancak yüksek öğretim kurumlarının teknolojideki bu gelişmelerden tam olarak yararlanmalarını sağlayacak yönetsel bir dönüşüm içerisinde olduğunu söylemek oldukça zor. Teknolojik altyapı ve donanım yönüyle çok büyük yatırımlar yapılıyor, e-öğrenme, uzaktan eğitim, mobil öğrenme gibi çeşitli uygulamalar gerçekleştiriliyor olmakla birlikte yüksek öğretim kurumları geleneksel yapılarını ve eğitim öğretim süreçlerini değiştirme konusunda çok istekli gözükmüyorlar. Yönetsel çabalar teknolojik dönüşümün başarılı olmasına odaklanıyor ve yapılmakta olanların teknoloji destekli olarak yapılması reform olarak görülüyor. Eğitim süreçlerinin etkililiği ve verimliliği, paydaşların memnuniyeti, yatırımların maliyeti gibi hususlar pek dikkate alınmıyor.

Yukarıdaki tespit ve görüşler ışığında bu ders yüksek öğretim sisteminde dijital dönüşümün yönetsel boyutuna dikkat çekmek için hazırlanmıştır. Dijital çağın fırsatlarından yararlanılması kadar gereklerinin de yerine getirilmesi için yükseköğretimde dönüşüm zorunludur; ancak bu dönüşümün eğitim sisteminin tüm bileşenlerini içeren yönetsel bir bütünlük içerisinde gerçekleştirilmelidir.
Bu doğrultuda dersimiz dört bölümden oluşacaktır:

Eğitimde Değişen Paradigmalar ve Yükseköğretim: Bu bölümde eğitimdeki değişim eğilimlerinin niteliği ve tarihçesi incelenecek, eğitsel ve yönetsel faaliyetlere egemen olan bakış açıları (paradigmalar) değerlendirilecektir.
Yükseköğretimde Dijital Dönüşüm: Bu bölümde dijital çağdaki teknolojik gelişmelerin yükseköğretimdeki yansımaları incelenecek ve değerlendirilecektir.
Digital Dönüşümün Yönetsel Boyutları: Bu bölümde yükseköğretim kurumlarındaki dönüşüm olgusunun yönetsel boyutları sistem kavramı ve bilimsel yaklaşım çerçevesinde ele alınarak sistem bileşenleri değerlendirilecektir.
Dijital Dönüşümün Aracı Olarak Öğrenme Yönetim Sistemleri: Bu bölümde kaynakların sunumu, eğitsel faaliyetlerin ve etkileşimlerin gerçekleştirilmesi ve izlenmesi , paydaşlar arasındaki işbirliklerinin kurulması gibi amaçlara hizmet eden bütünleşik yazılımlar olan Öğrenme Yönetim Sistemlerinin (LMS) yükseköğretimi dönüştürme konusundaki rolü değerlendirilecektir.
Rehber Gözetimli
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