Reading and Writing Poetry
Literature includes a wide range of genres, e.g. poem, novel, short story, drama,
fairy tale and so on. However, “poem” is of particular important in countries, like
ours, where there is a long tradition of oral literature. This course focuses on
poetry, which can be defined as “the art of expressing the depth of emotions and
thoughts with a limited number of words”. In this course, we will start with
qualities of a good poem, and then criticize examples of poetry collected from
daily papers and magazines. Then we will try to write our own poems. After
making discussions on and revising the poems, we plan to compile and publish
them at Anadolu University’s publishing house to make them available for
Turkish readers.
During this four-week course, we will help learners develop basic knowledge and
skills required to read and evaluate poems with a literary approach and write
poems keeping literary rules in mind. The course entails intensive interaction with
the instructor. Such interaction will be synchronous once a week (in the virtual
classroom), and asynchronous whenever and wherever the course participant
wants. The course plan is as follows:
Week 1.
Introduction to the course (synchronous)
Qualities of a good poem (asynchronous)
End-of- the-week meeting (synchronous)
Week 2.
Poetry reading exercises (asynchronous)
End-of- the-week meeting (synchronous)
Week 3.
Introduction to poem writing (asynchronous)
End-of- the-week meeting (synchronous)
Week 4.
Poem writing exercises (asynchronous)
End-of- the-week meeting (synchronous)
fairy tale and so on. However, “poem” is of particular important in countries, like
ours, where there is a long tradition of oral literature. This course focuses on
poetry, which can be defined as “the art of expressing the depth of emotions and
thoughts with a limited number of words”. In this course, we will start with
qualities of a good poem, and then criticize examples of poetry collected from
daily papers and magazines. Then we will try to write our own poems. After
making discussions on and revising the poems, we plan to compile and publish
them at Anadolu University’s publishing house to make them available for
Turkish readers.
During this four-week course, we will help learners develop basic knowledge and
skills required to read and evaluate poems with a literary approach and write
poems keeping literary rules in mind. The course entails intensive interaction with
the instructor. Such interaction will be synchronous once a week (in the virtual
classroom), and asynchronous whenever and wherever the course participant
wants. The course plan is as follows:
Week 1.
Introduction to the course (synchronous)
Qualities of a good poem (asynchronous)
End-of- the-week meeting (synchronous)
Week 2.
Poetry reading exercises (asynchronous)
End-of- the-week meeting (synchronous)
Week 3.
Introduction to poem writing (asynchronous)
End-of- the-week meeting (synchronous)
Week 4.
Poem writing exercises (asynchronous)
End-of- the-week meeting (synchronous)
Course format
Guided Course
You should be able to understand Turkish
Language |
Turkish |
Self-paced | Yes |
Hours of study | 25 hours |
EQF-Level | EQF level 5 - Foundation/Diploma of Higher Education |
Rights | Open license: (re-)use it |
Requirements | Free admittance |
Cost | Free of charge |
Delivery mode | Learn anywhere online |
QA | Quality assured |
Massive | Massive |
Full Course Experience | Full course experience |
Provider | OpenupEd |
Reading and Writing Poetry
Literature includes a wide range of genres, e.g. poem, novel, short story, drama,
fairy tale and so on. However, “poem” is of particular important in countries, like
ours, where there is a long tradition of oral literature. This course focuses on
poetry, which can be defined as “the art of expressing the depth of emotions and
thoughts with a limited number of words”. In this course, we will start with
qualities of a good poem, and then criticize examples of poetry collected from
daily papers and magazines. Then we will try to write our own poems. After
making discussions on and revising the poems, we plan to compile and publish
them at Anadolu University’s publishing house to make them available for
Turkish readers.
During this four-week course, we will help learners develop basic knowledge and
skills required to read and evaluate poems with a literary approach and write
poems keeping literary rules in mind. The course entails intensive interaction with
the instructor. Such interaction will be synchronous once a week (in the virtual
classroom), and asynchronous whenever and wherever the course participant
wants. The course plan is as follows:
Week 1.
Introduction to the course (synchronous)
Qualities of a good poem (asynchronous)
End-of- the-week meeting (synchronous)
Week 2.
Poetry reading exercises (asynchronous)
End-of- the-week meeting (synchronous)
Week 3.
Introduction to poem writing (asynchronous)
End-of- the-week meeting (synchronous)
Week 4.
Poem writing exercises (asynchronous)
End-of- the-week meeting (synchronous)
fairy tale and so on. However, “poem” is of particular important in countries, like
ours, where there is a long tradition of oral literature. This course focuses on
poetry, which can be defined as “the art of expressing the depth of emotions and
thoughts with a limited number of words”. In this course, we will start with
qualities of a good poem, and then criticize examples of poetry collected from
daily papers and magazines. Then we will try to write our own poems. After
making discussions on and revising the poems, we plan to compile and publish
them at Anadolu University’s publishing house to make them available for
Turkish readers.
During this four-week course, we will help learners develop basic knowledge and
skills required to read and evaluate poems with a literary approach and write
poems keeping literary rules in mind. The course entails intensive interaction with
the instructor. Such interaction will be synchronous once a week (in the virtual
classroom), and asynchronous whenever and wherever the course participant
wants. The course plan is as follows:
Week 1.
Introduction to the course (synchronous)
Qualities of a good poem (asynchronous)
End-of- the-week meeting (synchronous)
Week 2.
Poetry reading exercises (asynchronous)
End-of- the-week meeting (synchronous)
Week 3.
Introduction to poem writing (asynchronous)
End-of- the-week meeting (synchronous)
Week 4.
Poem writing exercises (asynchronous)
End-of- the-week meeting (synchronous)
Anadolu University
Guided Course
You should be able to understand Turkish
For more information about the EFQ levels click here
EQF level 5 - Foundation/Diploma of Higher Education
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3. Set the crop settings by clicking on four arrows icon.
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Always online
Full Course Experience
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Anadolu University
2016-12-06 13:08:27
Şiir Okumak Ve Yazmak
Günümüzde “edebiyat” denince aklımıza hemen şiir, roman, hikaye, drama, masal ve buna benzer bir çok örnek gelmekle beraber, özellikle ülkemiz gibi sözlü edebiyatın çok güçlü olduğu yerlerde her zaman “şiir” ön planda yer almaktadır. “Az kelime ile çok duygu ve düşünce ifade etme sanatı”, olarak tarif edebileceğimiz “şiir sanatı” dersimizin ana konusudur.
Şiir Okumak ve Yazmak başlıklı ders kapsamında bir şiirde olması gereken özelliklerden başlayacağız; sonra günümüzde günlük gazete ve dergilerde yayınlanan şiirlerden örnekleri değerlendireceğiz; daha sonra da kendimiz şiir yazmayı deneyeceğiz. Bunları kendi aramızda tartışarak tüm konular bittikten sonra kendi yazdığımız şiirleri derleyerek onları Anadolu Üniversitemizin yayınları olarak basarak tüm Türkiye’deki okuyucularla buluşturmayı planlıyoruz.
Toplam 4 hafta süreli bu dersimiz sonunda karşılaştığınız şiirleri edebi çerçevede uygun biçimde okuma ve kurallara uygun şiir yazabilme becerilerinizi geliştirmenize yardımcı olmaya çalışacağız. Dersimiz, öğretim elemanı ile yoğun etkileşim kurarak gerçekleştireceğiniz yapıdadır. Bu etkileşimler haftada bir eşzamanlı (sanal sınıf) diğer zamanlarda dilediğiniz yer ve zamanda iletişim kurmanızı sağlayacak biçimde eşzamansız gerçekleştirilecektir. Aşağıda ders planını bulabilirsiniz:
Hafta 1:
Tanışma (Eşzamanlı)
İyi Şiirin Özellikleri (Eşzamansız)
Haftanın kapanışı (Eşzamanlı)
Hafta 2:
Şiir okuma uygulaması (Eşzamansız)
Haftanın kapanışı (Eşzamanlı)
Hafta 3:
İyi şiir yazmaya başlangıç (Eşzamansız)
Haftanın kapanışı (Eşzamanlı)
Hafta 4:
Şiir yazma uygulaması (Eşzamansız)
Haftanın ve Dersin Kapanışı (Eşzamanlı)
Şiir Okumak ve Yazmak başlıklı ders kapsamında bir şiirde olması gereken özelliklerden başlayacağız; sonra günümüzde günlük gazete ve dergilerde yayınlanan şiirlerden örnekleri değerlendireceğiz; daha sonra da kendimiz şiir yazmayı deneyeceğiz. Bunları kendi aramızda tartışarak tüm konular bittikten sonra kendi yazdığımız şiirleri derleyerek onları Anadolu Üniversitemizin yayınları olarak basarak tüm Türkiye’deki okuyucularla buluşturmayı planlıyoruz.
Toplam 4 hafta süreli bu dersimiz sonunda karşılaştığınız şiirleri edebi çerçevede uygun biçimde okuma ve kurallara uygun şiir yazabilme becerilerinizi geliştirmenize yardımcı olmaya çalışacağız. Dersimiz, öğretim elemanı ile yoğun etkileşim kurarak gerçekleştireceğiniz yapıdadır. Bu etkileşimler haftada bir eşzamanlı (sanal sınıf) diğer zamanlarda dilediğiniz yer ve zamanda iletişim kurmanızı sağlayacak biçimde eşzamansız gerçekleştirilecektir. Aşağıda ders planını bulabilirsiniz:
Hafta 1:
Tanışma (Eşzamanlı)
İyi Şiirin Özellikleri (Eşzamansız)
Haftanın kapanışı (Eşzamanlı)
Hafta 2:
Şiir okuma uygulaması (Eşzamansız)
Haftanın kapanışı (Eşzamanlı)
Hafta 3:
İyi şiir yazmaya başlangıç (Eşzamansız)
Haftanın kapanışı (Eşzamanlı)
Hafta 4:
Şiir yazma uygulaması (Eşzamansız)
Haftanın ve Dersin Kapanışı (Eşzamanlı)
Rehber Gözetimli