![Structural Equality Modeling](/images/mooc/crop/Structural_Equality_Modeling_-_iStock-531983308.jpg)
Structural Equality Modeling
In recent years, there has been a need and tendency to test the relations between
variables with a holistic approach, rather than handling each of them individually.
Thus, progress has been made to analyze a number of hypotheses simultaneously
to test a theory, instead of carrying out a separate analysis for each hypothesis in
research. This seven-week course on Structural Equality Modeling was designed
to answer all possible questions of scientists and social scientists. The course
mainly focuses on confirmatory factor analysis, path analysis, latent variable
model analysis, hybrid models, and mediator and moderator effects, which are
included in the family of structural equation analysis.
The course is designed to enable participants to learn on their own; however, they
can contact the instructor for any questions related to the course.
variables with a holistic approach, rather than handling each of them individually.
Thus, progress has been made to analyze a number of hypotheses simultaneously
to test a theory, instead of carrying out a separate analysis for each hypothesis in
research. This seven-week course on Structural Equality Modeling was designed
to answer all possible questions of scientists and social scientists. The course
mainly focuses on confirmatory factor analysis, path analysis, latent variable
model analysis, hybrid models, and mediator and moderator effects, which are
included in the family of structural equation analysis.
The course is designed to enable participants to learn on their own; however, they
can contact the instructor for any questions related to the course.
Course format
Guided Course
You should be able to understand Turkish
Language |
Turkish |
Yes |
Hours of study | 25 hours |
EQF-Level | EQF level 5 - Foundation/Diploma of Higher Education |
Open license: (re-)use it |
Free admittance |
Free of charge |
Learn anywhere online |
Quality assured |
Massive | Massive |
Full Course Experience | Full course experience |
Provider | OpenupEd |
Structural Equality Modeling
In recent years, there has been a need and tendency to test the relations between
variables with a holistic approach, rather than handling each of them individually.
Thus, progress has been made to analyze a number of hypotheses simultaneously
to test a theory, instead of carrying out a separate analysis for each hypothesis in
research. This seven-week course on Structural Equality Modeling was designed
to answer all possible questions of scientists and social scientists. The course
mainly focuses on confirmatory factor analysis, path analysis, latent variable
model analysis, hybrid models, and mediator and moderator effects, which are
included in the family of structural equation analysis.
The course is designed to enable participants to learn on their own; however, they
can contact the instructor for any questions related to the course.
variables with a holistic approach, rather than handling each of them individually.
Thus, progress has been made to analyze a number of hypotheses simultaneously
to test a theory, instead of carrying out a separate analysis for each hypothesis in
research. This seven-week course on Structural Equality Modeling was designed
to answer all possible questions of scientists and social scientists. The course
mainly focuses on confirmatory factor analysis, path analysis, latent variable
model analysis, hybrid models, and mediator and moderator effects, which are
included in the family of structural equation analysis.
The course is designed to enable participants to learn on their own; however, they
can contact the instructor for any questions related to the course.
Anadolu University
Guided Course
You should be able to understand Turkish
For more information about the EFQ levels click here
EQF level 5 - Foundation/Diploma of Higher Education
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![Structural Equality Modeling Structural Equality Modeling](https://openuped.eu/images/mooc/crop/Structural_Equality_Modeling_-_iStock-531983308.jpg)
Always online
Full Course Experience
- 0
Anadolu University
2016-12-07 11:13:18
Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesi
Son yıllarda değişkenler arası ilişkileri tek tek incelemek yerine bütünsel bir yaklaşımla ilişkilerin hepsini birden aynı anda inceleme ihtiyacı ve eğilimi hızlanmıştır. Böylece bir araştırmada yer alan hipotezlerin her birisi için analiz yapmak yerine Teori/Kuram sınama olarak da ifade edilebilecek çok sayıda hipotezi bir seferde analiz edebilme konusunda önemli ilerlemeler sağlanmıştır. Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesi Fen Bilimlerinden ya da Sosyal Bilimlerden araştırmacıların olası tüm sorularına yanıt vermek amacıyla 7 hafta olacak şekilde tasarlanmıştır. Yapısal Eşitlik analiz ailesi içinde yer alan tek ve çok gruplu doğrulayıcı faktör analizi, path analizi, latent (gizil) değişkenlerle model analizi, hibrit modeller, mediator ve moderator etkilerin incelenmesi gibi başlıklar dersin ana çatısını oluşturacaktır.
Ders öğrenenlerin kendi kendilerine öğrenmelerine imkan tanıyacak şekilde kurgulanmıştır fakat öğretim elemanı öğrenicilerin ihtiyaç duyduğu herhangi bir süreçte ulaşılabilir olacaktır.
Ders öğrenenlerin kendi kendilerine öğrenmelerine imkan tanıyacak şekilde kurgulanmıştır fakat öğretim elemanı öğrenicilerin ihtiyaç duyduğu herhangi bir süreçte ulaşılabilir olacaktır.
Rehber Gözetimli