Internet and Social Networking Safety
Technological advancements lead to change and transformation in our life styles
and social structure. With the internet, there has been a growing tendency to
bring our lives into digital platforms. For example, bank queues are now replaced
by online banking. We are faced with traps when seeking information in a myriad
of websites, we have social media accounts and e-mail accounts, today’s
technologies present a wide range of opportunities and threats, and the internet
has now effects on all domains of private and professional life. We need to have
thorough knowledge of these technologies and get familiar with technological
threats and opportunities to use technology safely and effectively.
The target audience of this two-week course is those who need more safety
measures when using the internet. Participants can contact the instructor to ask
any questions about the course.
and social structure. With the internet, there has been a growing tendency to
bring our lives into digital platforms. For example, bank queues are now replaced
by online banking. We are faced with traps when seeking information in a myriad
of websites, we have social media accounts and e-mail accounts, today’s
technologies present a wide range of opportunities and threats, and the internet
has now effects on all domains of private and professional life. We need to have
thorough knowledge of these technologies and get familiar with technological
threats and opportunities to use technology safely and effectively.
The target audience of this two-week course is those who need more safety
measures when using the internet. Participants can contact the instructor to ask
any questions about the course.
Course format
Self Paced
You should be able to understand Turkish
Language |
Turkish |
Yes |
Hours of study | 25 hours |
Recognition |
EQF-Level | EQF level 5 - Foundation/Diploma of Higher Education |
Open license: (re-)use it |
Free admittance |
Free of charge |
Learn anywhere online |
Quality assured |
Massive | Massive |
Full Course Experience | Full course experience |
Provider | OpenupEd |
Internet and Social Networking Safety
Technological advancements lead to change and transformation in our life styles
and social structure. With the internet, there has been a growing tendency to
bring our lives into digital platforms. For example, bank queues are now replaced
by online banking. We are faced with traps when seeking information in a myriad
of websites, we have social media accounts and e-mail accounts, today’s
technologies present a wide range of opportunities and threats, and the internet
has now effects on all domains of private and professional life. We need to have
thorough knowledge of these technologies and get familiar with technological
threats and opportunities to use technology safely and effectively.
The target audience of this two-week course is those who need more safety
measures when using the internet. Participants can contact the instructor to ask
any questions about the course.
and social structure. With the internet, there has been a growing tendency to
bring our lives into digital platforms. For example, bank queues are now replaced
by online banking. We are faced with traps when seeking information in a myriad
of websites, we have social media accounts and e-mail accounts, today’s
technologies present a wide range of opportunities and threats, and the internet
has now effects on all domains of private and professional life. We need to have
thorough knowledge of these technologies and get familiar with technological
threats and opportunities to use technology safely and effectively.
The target audience of this two-week course is those who need more safety
measures when using the internet. Participants can contact the instructor to ask
any questions about the course.
Anadolu University
- Formal certificate available
Self Paced
You should be able to understand Turkish
For more information about the EFQ levels click here
EQF level 5 - Foundation/Diploma of Higher Education
1. Select an image to upload (add files)
2. Click 'start upload'
3. Set the crop settings by clicking on four arrows icon.
4. Drag the crop area and zoom or rotate the image if needed.
2. Click 'start upload'
3. Set the crop settings by clicking on four arrows icon.
4. Drag the crop area and zoom or rotate the image if needed.

Always online
Full Course Experience
- 0
Anadolu University
2016-12-07 12:30:46
İnterneti Ve Sosyal Medyayı Güvenli Kullanmak
Teknolojinin gelişimi, bireylerin yaşam tarzlarında ve toplum yapısında bazı değişim ve dönüşümleri beraberinde getirmektedir. İnternetin insan yaşamına girmesiyle hayatı dijital ortamlara taşıma oranı da giderek artmaya başlamıştır. Önceden faturaları ödemek için girilen banka kuyrukları yerini İnternet bankacılığına bırakmış dijital ortamda artan işlem hacmi bireylerin bu ortamların kullanımına yönelik bilgi ve becerilerini arttırmaları, olası güvenlik sorunlarına karşı önlem almalarını zorunlu kılmıştır. Daha on yıl öncesine kadar küresel zeminde benzeri görülmemiş fırsat ve tehditler günümüz teknolojileri sayesinde ortaya çıkmış, İnternet iş ve özel yaşamın her alanını etkiler hale gelmiştir. Güvenli ve etkin bir şekilde bu teknolojileri kullanabilmek için bu teknolojileri iyi tanımak, sunduğu imkânları ve oluşturduğu tehditleri yakından izlemek durumundayız. Bu konuda kendini yetersiz hisseden herkesi derse kayıt olmaya bekliyoruz.
Ders toplam 2 hafta sürecektir. Konuya dair her türlü soruyu dersin öğretim elemanına sorabilirsiniz.
Ders toplam 2 hafta sürecektir. Konuya dair her türlü soruyu dersin öğretim elemanına sorabilirsiniz.
Kendi Kendine Çalışma