Reading the Media
Today individuals may be perceived as a passive recipient of visual, auditory and
written media messages. However, rather than being a passive recipient, we can
have media literacy skills that help us read the media, achieve the level of
consciousness that make us solve language of the media, and be active parties in
media communication. This course will enable participants to distinguish between
fact and fiction presented in the media, and to develop understanding of why and
how the media manipulates certain events and incidents.
The target audience of this two-week course is those who wish to develop
awareness of reading the media and critical approach to media coverage.
Examples selected from the media will be used to improve media reading skills of
participants. Participants can contact the instructor to ask any questions about
the course.
written media messages. However, rather than being a passive recipient, we can
have media literacy skills that help us read the media, achieve the level of
consciousness that make us solve language of the media, and be active parties in
media communication. This course will enable participants to distinguish between
fact and fiction presented in the media, and to develop understanding of why and
how the media manipulates certain events and incidents.
The target audience of this two-week course is those who wish to develop
awareness of reading the media and critical approach to media coverage.
Examples selected from the media will be used to improve media reading skills of
participants. Participants can contact the instructor to ask any questions about
the course.
Course format
Self Paced
You should be able to understand Turkish
Language |
Turkish |
Yes |
Hours of study | 25 hours |
EQF-Level | EQF level 5 - Foundation/Diploma of Higher Education |
Open license: (re-)use it |
Free admittance |
Free of charge |
Learn anywhere online |
Quality assured |
Massive | Massive |
Full Course Experience | Full course experience |
Provider | OpenupEd |
Reading the Media
Today individuals may be perceived as a passive recipient of visual, auditory and
written media messages. However, rather than being a passive recipient, we can
have media literacy skills that help us read the media, achieve the level of
consciousness that make us solve language of the media, and be active parties in
media communication. This course will enable participants to distinguish between
fact and fiction presented in the media, and to develop understanding of why and
how the media manipulates certain events and incidents.
The target audience of this two-week course is those who wish to develop
awareness of reading the media and critical approach to media coverage.
Examples selected from the media will be used to improve media reading skills of
participants. Participants can contact the instructor to ask any questions about
the course.
written media messages. However, rather than being a passive recipient, we can
have media literacy skills that help us read the media, achieve the level of
consciousness that make us solve language of the media, and be active parties in
media communication. This course will enable participants to distinguish between
fact and fiction presented in the media, and to develop understanding of why and
how the media manipulates certain events and incidents.
The target audience of this two-week course is those who wish to develop
awareness of reading the media and critical approach to media coverage.
Examples selected from the media will be used to improve media reading skills of
participants. Participants can contact the instructor to ask any questions about
the course.
Anadolu University
Self Paced
You should be able to understand Turkish
For more information about the EFQ levels click here
EQF level 5 - Foundation/Diploma of Higher Education
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2. Click 'start upload'
3. Set the crop settings by clicking on four arrows icon.
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Always online
Full Course Experience
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Anadolu University
2016-12-07 12:33:35
Medyayı Doğru Okumak
Günümüzde medyadaki bilgi yoğunluğu altında kişiler görsel, işitsel ve yazılı medya karşısında pasif birer alıcı durumuna düşebilmektedir. Dördüncü kuvvet medya karşısında pasif bir alıcı olmak yerine, medyayı okuyabilecek, medyanın dilini çözebilecek bilinç düzeyine ulaşmak ve iletişim olgusunda aktif bir birey olarak yer almak medya okuryazarı olmanın temel şartıdır. Medyada gerçekliği ve kurguyu ayırt etme becerisinin kazandırılacağı bu derste, medyanın olayları ve olguları nasıl ve neden belli yönleriyle yansıttığı ele alınacaktır. Dersin hedef kitlesi, medyayı doğru okuma konusunda farkındalığı yüksek, medyaya eleştirel bakabilen bilinçli alıcılar olmak isteyen her yaştan öğrenenlerdir.
Toplam 2 hafta süreli bu dersimizde ilgili konular örnekolaylar doğrultusunda ele alınacaktır. Konuya dair her türlü soruyu dersin öğretim elemanına sorabilirsiniz.
Toplam 2 hafta süreli bu dersimizde ilgili konular örnekolaylar doğrultusunda ele alınacaktır. Konuya dair her türlü soruyu dersin öğretim elemanına sorabilirsiniz.
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